Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Dear Harvard

My friend Claire Jenkins has placed three songs from her upcoming album, Crow's Nest/Nid de Pie, in the pilot of a program called Dear Harvard. According to sources it's “a riches to rags drama about a privileged New York high school girl whose life falls apart when her father is arrested for insider trading.” I haven't been able to find much more online except for casting notices, a note that Danny Gerber will play Carter, and the information that it's being executive produced by Anne Jarmain. I'd guess a network like CW is the likely target... and it just so happens there's a Veronica Mars-sized hole in their schedule....

Speaking of CW, a few months ago I sang with—okay, near—Claire and James Carrington, whose song Ache appeared in a sixth-season episode of Smallville titled Noir. You can't hear the result yet, though; that's not because the song is on Claire's unreleased CD, but because it's on Lenni Jabour's! Until you can listen for yourselves, remember: don't go hustling people strange to you, even if you do got a two-piece custom-made pool cue.


T said...

Cool Peter - Thanks for the Claire Jenkins link. I 'll take a listen to the streams from a home computer.

Could you interest Clair in coming to LOLA on Sept 21/22 in our fair city? It will be a blast - but perhaps this is a bit too late.

By way of Pimping London Musicians, You heard Basia Bulat? She will be at LOLA, calls London home and makes some of the best chamber pop I've recently heard.

Anonymous said...

My friend is close with Basia Bulat - apparently she's very sweet.

Anonymous said...

I can certainly ask... Claire's been here a few times on her own, but never Avec Band, and that's a whole 'nother thing entirely.

Saw Basia for the first time at this year's music awards, and each time I've looked she's been out on tour. Definitely hoping to catch some of LOLA (and Arts Quest the weekend before).

T said...

Man, am I late on the curve.

I will be buying Basia's cd on it's release.

You two up on my other local fave - Andy Magoffin? Two Minute Miracles and OX are playing the LMC in Oct. This should be the Blog coming out party. We can all just attend and have a great time, whereas Matt, can, y'know 'come out'.

Anonymous said...

Coincidentally, I ran into Holly from Basia's band tonight at the Alex P. Keaton. (My friend Alex is a member of A Northern Chorus, and I missed seeing her last time she was in town with the group.) From the thirty seconds we chatted—"Excuse me, are you Holly?" "Yeah, do I know you?" etc.—I got a "sweet" vibe similar to that Tammy mentioned from BB.

Haven't heard Andy Magoffin's name before, strangely enough, but from reading his Wikipedia bio it seems I've heard a lot of his work as a producer. Sounds like an interesting one to check out.

T said...

yeah, the house of miracles is on Wellington at South st, in bewteen the wagon store and the Box Lunch Caterers. Andrew has his name attached to so many Canuck indie bands it is incredible.

Think that one of the Rock Plaza Central cds was recorded there as were the Constantines, Great Lakes Swimmers etc etc etc....

Plus the two minute miracles are no slouch, which is why that Oct concert is a local must.

Seems there is this little scene around the bands playing the Alex P Keaton. Cool.

Anonymous said...

Claire says she's in... contact info is on her MySpace page (info at {her first name}{her last name}.com) or drop me a line (anything at {my domain}) and I can send it on.