Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Make With The Cross-Promotion, People!

I'd love to see those of us who have another blog maybe, I don't know, mention The Studio Has Some Notes there? Perhaps add it to your list of links (if your blog supports such features) or even give it the proverbial "push" via a special post on it? You never know who'll land on your personal weblog and possibly follow a reference right over to here, so why not at least give it a try?

I've already taken care of both of those suggestions on my blog... and I'm on the road!


Anonymous said...

For my part, I wanted to give it a while to see if the velocity increased or tanked, and to see if I'd actually contribute anything to it. No point in linking to an empty or unrelated blog.

Anonymous said...

Yea of little faith!

Anonymous said...

C'est moi, bien sûr!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

So rather than help with the traffic (by potentially bringing new visitors here who'd add comments and inspire increased velocity by the contributors) you took a "wait and see" approach.

And here I thought you were Mr. Just Do It! Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Gosh, you really know how to make a guy feel welcome. I'll do what I want, when I want, if I want.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Sensitive much?

Anonymous said...

Actually, no. I can see how you'd think that, though---the "peter j." above has my overly-loquacious style and reasonable, cheery attitude.

It would appear we have a troll in our midst, and I suspect I know who it is; if past behaviour is any indication that was a drive-by from a late, drunken near-stupor and won't recur. I've been able to block said person from my own blog, but this site doesn't have similar controls. Fortunately the other sites on which I comment aren't as easily fooled, due to things like OpenID and also to the fact that they tend to be on relatively technical/esoteric topics.

(I do like the rhythm of the petulant "what I want" bitching, and to be honest it is sort of like something I'd have written... sort of, kind of, a bit, anyway. :))

I was actually preparing a response to your about what I am Just Doing---which, ironically, relates to just this sort of thing---and deleted it after accidentally hitting "Publish your comment" instead of "Preview", because I wasn't happy with the tone. (In short, I've been working on taking some pre-emptive measures against spambots, which I thought would be better to do before I sent them all here with a link in the blogroll. You're welcome! :))

Mike Marsman said...

As I read PJ's response, I first thought he was calling Matt the troll... but now I realize that PJ has his own little fan club!

Anonymous said...

That's just bizarre!

T said...

Peter - can you link in some examples before you delete them from your blog?

Just want to both know more about it and possibly get ready.

Anonymous said...

As I was telling mikem today, it's pretty random; maybe a few times a year for the last three or four, hence my use of "drive-by". The messages are never abusive, only mildly offensive (at worst). I delete them without comment, the same as any other spam, and move on with real life (or what passes for it in my world :)). If there's anything in the next while I'll post a followup here, but don't hold your breath.

On a completely different topic, I just noticed I missed a word in my comment from this morning. *blush* That was supposed to be "a response to your note", or something along those lines.

Sorry to divert attention from actual blog content---ironically, my innocuous little comment seems to have killed the small amount of momentum that was building here, and I don't have anything of relevance to post tonight to get things rolling again. (Except that Myth chose to record Psycho Beach Party today. I guess it picked up on the fact that Nicholas Brendon, who co-stars, was a regular on BtVS, 'cause it's nowhere near my 3-star minimum for movie suggestions.)

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Glad to hear that wasn't you, Peter!