Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Label clouds are cloudy!

You might notice that I've made a small tweak to our template in response to the prior post about formatting and tags. The Labels widget is now a Label Cloud widget, courtesy phydeaux3.

The formatting for this can be changed to show all labels (current configuration), labels with a given number of posts or greater, a limited number of labels, etc.

It was a simple edit to make (likewise simple to undo) ... whaddya think?


Mike Marsman said...

The max/min font sizes are configurable (i just dropped the min font size a touch, agree it was too big).

Anyone who reads my home blog (there's some cross-publicity for ya!) will notice that I'm not much for capitalization... but I'll go with the flow. I tagged my recent Weeds post with a "Comedy" tag, but blogger made it "comedy" to match the others.

cjguerra said...

I like the label cloud. I guess I'll have to look into how to do that for my blog too!

As for capitalizations, whatever works. Majority rules, so TeeVee and Comedy are okay by me.