Sunday, April 27, 2008

Review: King of Kong - A Fistful of Quarters

I don't play video games. Ever. If I did, I would be divorced, broke and possibly a ward of the province. I do keep up with things absentmindedly; which console is winning the 3rd gen wars and what games are fun, but my aversion to actually playing video games is purely a self defense mechanism. If I started say World or Warcraft, or Mario Kart, my muscles would atrophy and my vision blur in an addictive flurry of killing, clicking and point harvesting.

Which brings me to Billy Mitchell, Steve Weibe and the documentary King of Kong: A Fistful of Quarters. The movie portrays the many tribulations of a 2005 contest over who holds the most points in Donkey Kong. Compulsion and addiction go hand in hand and to watch the battle for Donkey Kong supremacy is personally very scary, but oh so entertaining.

Like most docs, this is best viewed as a DVD. Also like most docs, there is a strong agenda that is only explained and 'the other side' allowed to come out in the special features. There are a lot of special features - close to 90 minutes, with the history of Kong, and segments on each of multitude the truly strange , but true to life championship gamers. These characters have to be seen to be believed; it's like the best Christopher Guest ensemble piece taking a medication holiday.

Latest news on King of Kong is that it will be adapted into a feature film. Heads or tails on whether the adaptation will be a success. I remember the brilliant skateboarding documentary Dogtown and the Z boys was turned into a non-brilliant major motion picture, obscuring its source. Hope that doesn't happen to the bizarre denizens of King of Kong, so before this story is overshadowed as a Jim Carrey blockbuster, rent King of Kong. Now.

Rating: ****


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Nice to see you posting again, Tim! Even when I don't understand 'em, I still enjoy 'em!

T said...

Going for a slap-dash review on both is these recent entries. Didn't feel like explaining the whole movie, but suffice to say, rent King of Kong. It is exceptional.

I also don't understand why I'm the one to write about King of Kong. I thought you all were gamers and would know and be waiting this movie. It's like if you didn't write about the latest comic book adaptation, Tammy didn't say something about Ebert latest health condition or Jason not post a Hanna Montana movie review.