Friday, October 19, 2007

Calling All Contributors

I can't help but notice that no one but me has contributed anything over the past week, and that in the week preceding that, only Tammy, Tim and I had anything to say.

Is no one watching TV or movies anymore? Is everyone busy playing Halo 3? What's happened to our output? No one's arm is being twisted, but this site only works if people contribute to it. There have been nearly 90 posts here so far, so if you're one of the folks with only one or two of them, maybe you could find the time in the near future to say a word or two about whatever it is you're watching these days? And to Tim, Tammy and Mike I say: thanks for continuing to chime in as often as you've been doing! You guys in particular have made this collaborative blog rock, as far as I'm concerned!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Every once in a while life takes precedence over the screen, be it big or small. My PVR's ready to collapse under the weight of all the shows I've recorded but not yet watched over the last few weeks, and I haven't even read Ebert's reviews for three weeks... this despite having two half-days of vacation and being up until three or four a.m. most nights!

I did manage to catch up on Pushing Daisies, although I haven't got much more to say than what I posted in the comments on the original item.