Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Okkervil River - The Stage Names

Bought Okkervil River's The Stage Names last week. It is the fourth cd from a band Matt, Vicki and I had the pleasure of meeting a member of in 2006. On the back of the lyrics booklet, the "With love to" section lists Bridgette Andersen and Shannon Michelle Wisley. Who the hell are they and what does this have to do with movies and TV?

Well, the standout track is something called Savannah Smiles. It's also the name of a movie; in fact, it was Shannon Michelle Wisley's favourite movie - a "feel-good" family film starring a child actor named Bridgette Anderson. Bridgette, as Savannah, runs away with a couple of goofy criminals, finding all the love, attention and adventure that she had never received at home . In non-movie life, Bridgette overdoses 15 years after the film is released and passes away.

Heartening stuff, but again, it was Shannon's favourite movie. Enough that when Shannon, seeking love, attention and adventure, runs away and embarks on an entertainment career, she chooses the name 'Savannah' and commits suicide after achieving a dubious fame.

There are purposely no embedded links to Shannon Michelle Wisley's 'Stage Name'. I'm sure you understand why. On the other hand here is the most excellent of songs

Midnight late last week
My daughter’s diary
Didn’t know what it might be til it was open
I only read one page and then put it away
Talk about your big mistakes
Hey Shan, nice going

Photos show no tears in her eyes
All those pretty years gone by
I just cannot believe one could do that to a child

Shannon just flew down
Four day back in town
She sleeps in, lies around and then she goes out
And then one day she’s gone

What should I have done?
Joe turns the TV on with the lights out

Photos on the wall – She’s my baby
She’s my baby doll
Is she someone I don’t know at all
Is she someone I betrayed
It’s a grey day in the Fall and the radio’s singing down the hall
And I rise to turn it off and all I’m seeing is her face
Age eight.


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Tim, if I'd had any doubts about including you in this collaborative effort - I didn't! - then they would've been erased with the single line:

"In non-movie life, Bridgette overdoses 15 years after the film is released and passes away."

You're one-of-a-kind, and in life, as opposed to Poker, that's a very good thing!

Loved this article... fantastically-well written!

T said...

You should hear this cd. We met Jonathan Meiburg of Shearwater at the MEC concert. He's a member of OR and played on this thing - and it is outstanding - A tribute to Poet John Berryman mixed into the Beach Boy's Sloop John B, another song that adds one digit to all the songs with numbers in the title - ie 97 Tears," "100 Luftballons," "Nine Miles High," "TVC 19," "8 Chinese Brothers," "51 Ways to Leave Your Lover" etc, Savannah Smiles - a big obscure puzzle of a reference.

Great CD

and thanks for the comments. I think