Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I finally got around to watching this movie recently. I'm happy to report that I enjoyed it. I was worried that I might not enjoy it based on the hype leading up to its release.

For those that know me, I like the idea of our protagonists being up against an enemy that you just can't beat. That's what made the Borg on Star Trek: TNG so appealing to me.

So here we have a big monster destroying New York and at the same time dumping mini monsters in the street to "share the destruction". It was kind of cool to watch.

And taking a page from "The Blair Witch Project" in the camera work made it more real for me.

The ending kind of left me wanting more, or should I say....SOME! But I guess it was done like that on purpose.

All in all, an enjoyable flick for those that like monster movies.
Rating: ***


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

That pretty closely matches my reaction, although seeing it on the big screen provided an extra ugh sensory experience, as well.

Nice to see someone besides me posting a movie review here, by the way! :-)

Boneman8 said...

I figured you'd like that!