Friday, March 21, 2008

Lost Season 4: Midseason Discussion

How about a Lost mid-season discussion thread? (you might want to stop reading now if you haven't seen the latest "Meet Kevin Johnson" episode)

What I really liked about last night's episode was that it provided closure to something that had previously been left wide open. It's the only episode that I recall where the flashback/flashfoward was the majority of the episode - not much jumping back and forth (which I'm still not sure if I liked or not)

So I thought we were still waiting to hear who the last of the "Oceanic Six" were. Did anyone else watch the trailer at the end?

"All of the Oceanic Six survivors have been revealed" ... so that means Kate, Jack, Hurley, Sayid, Sun and ... Aaron? I thought Aaron didn't count since he wasn't a passenger?

And what's with this "The Island won't let you die because you still have work to do"? If it kept Michael from killing himself, is The Island also responsible for Jack not killing himself on the bridge? Locke not killing himself when he was in the pit of death? Desmond from dying when he turned the key in the hatch? Were there any other suicide attempts? Thankfully The Island allowed for Charlie to die :)

And who killed off Karl and Rousseau? Was that Ben setting them up to be ambushed so that he could get Alex back (my suspicion) or have other others infiltrated the island?

Let's discuss...


Anonymous said...

One point I've read places about the whole Aaron thing ... think about it from the perspective of the media. These 6 people really survived the wreckage of a plane where all 324 bodies were found, it's crazy stuff being seen all over the world, and you need to come up with a catchy phrase to describe them. Is it really going to be "The Oceanic Five! ... Plus one!"

But then again who knows, it could be a good opportunity for a twist!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Couldn't the sixth member of the Oceanic Six be... Michael Dawson? Sure, he got off the island in secret the first time (via the boat that he "earned" by freeing Benry at the cost of Anna Lucia and Libby's lives) but couldn't he be the final survivor as a result of what's underway in the show currently? I'm still wondering if it's his poorly-attended funeral service that Jack was too late to attend at the end of Season Three. If so, could there be a funeral if no one knew he'd gotten off the island?

I thought one of the most interesting things in this week's episode was the revelation that Michael told Walt what he'd had to do to get them off the island, and that Walt had reacted by completely rejecting his father. Yes, I could be cynical and say they just wrote that in as a way to explain why Walt wasn't in it (other than one long distance shot through a window) since the actor's clearly too old now to play himself 3 years younger, but I choose not to be!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Great topic, by the way, Mike! I hope we get some good discussion here over the next 5 weeks (before Lost returns with 5 more new episodes, starting in late April)!!

Mike Marsman said...

If you watch the trailer, they do a quick montage of the six when they say "all of the six have been revealed" - including Aaron.

It is going to be a long 5 weeks, though...

Boneman8 said...

I had thought the 6th MAY have been Jin...only because you see Sun and Hurley visit his grave stone. Now, that could simply have been placed "after the fact" and gives her some place to go.

But hey, I originally thought that Benry used a fake passport and passed himself off as one of the passengers!