Monday, August 20, 2007

Veronica Mars Has Hidden Skills

Earlier, I reported to Matt that Kristen Bell (the late, great lead of Veronica Mars) was rumored to make an appearance on Lost next season. The internet had been aswirl with such hopes after Darlton issued a casting call for Charlotte, a "hot twentysomething who is said to be precocious, loquacious and funny... a very successful academic who also knows how to handle herself in the real world." For those who have never seen the show, that's basically our VM in a nutshell.

But, alas! Such glorious dreams were shattered a couple of weeks ago when KB herself denied the rumors, citing a possible Broadway run as the reason. However, it appears she has found a window in her busy schedule in which to make an appearance on another of TV's most popular cult shows - Heroes!

Little is known about Bell's character except that she is slated for a multi-episode arc and will have ties to Peter, HRG, and Claire. Looks like I might actually have to keep watching :(


Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

If she keeps getting more and more high-profile roles like this one, I'll really be able to make a killing on eBay for that autographed photo of her that I've got in the basement! (I just have to hope enough people named "Tammy" shop for things like that on auction sites...)

Tammy said...

I totally forgot you still have possession of that! I'd like to frame it ... ah, KB.

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

Here's hoping you end up with the high bid, then (remember to watch out for snipers! they're nasty!)

Anonymous said...


Also: Hayden Panettiere is apparently the second guest on Letterman tonight; coincidentally, given the discussion of the Body Snatchers movies in the comments on Matt's post about The Thing, the first guess is one Jeff Goldblum (who really does play the piano, and well).