Monday, August 20, 2007


Or better known as TV That Makes Eyes Bleed.

One of the side effects of having a laptop is that you can't control it and the remote at the same time! All too often I find myself immersed in something to look up and ask Ally "what the hell is this crap that you're watching?!"

Tonight it was Army Wives. Oh, yes.. the show is clearly as boring as the title sounds. What's the opposite of good? Oh yea, that's bad. Let's write a show about bad. I guess the byline "from the executive producer of Grey's Anatomy" should have tipped me off.

Maybe I'll actually do a real post about this series sometime, but right now I cannot stand thinking about it any longer. Kim Delaney officially makes me want to cancel my cable.

We've posted a lot of picks over the last month, but what about some pans?


Tammy said...

Great idea, we should even consider making a whole category devoted to things that we hate. I like your title, but can anyone think of something short and sweet that would work? Even along the lines of "Eye Bleeders" would do!

Kimota94 aka Matt aka AgileMan said...

I already went to town on Grey's Anatomy awhile back over on my own blog, but I'm sure once the new fall season starts up I'll be inspired once more.

And yes, posting about the bad with the good sounds like a fine idea indeed. I'm sure we'll even have some crossovers (my good, your bad; and vice versa). That's what makes for horse races!